Grilled Sirloin with Duck Fat Chips
This Sean Connolly steak recipe is one that does not require too much preparation or difficulty, although offers a great deal of satisfaction in return!
Grilled Sirloin with Duck fat chips
The Grilled Sirloin, you’ll need:
300 gm Angus sirloin
salt and pepper
How to cook the sirloin: Oil and season sirloin, then char-grill for 2 minutes on each side. Place sirloin in a 200 degrees celcius oven and cook for 5 minutes. Allow meat to rest for 10 minutes on a wire rack. Flash meat in oven for 1 minute then serve immediately with the duck fat chips.
The Duck Fat Chips:
For best results, use 8 Sebago potatoes and rendered duck fat.
Give the potatoes a good scrub and cut them into thick chips leaving the skin on. Pat dry with paper towel. Pre heat duck fat in fryer to 130 degrees and cook chips for 7-8 minutes or until soft to the touch.
Remove the chips from the fryer and drain well on paper towels. Allow to cool. Increase the heat on the fryer to 180 degrees and cook the chips again for a further two minutes or until golden all over. Remove once more, drain on paper towel and serve immediately. Season well with sea salt.